About Us/Contact

Janie Iturralde

Hello, my name is Janie, I am a wife & a stay at home mom of 4 kids. I enjoy reading, writing, cooking and playing with my kids. When I'm not busy with house work duties and chasing around my kids, that's when you'll catch me wrapped up in a book. Reading relaxes me, and is my way of escaping into another world of fantasy and excitement. When I read a book I like to connect with the story, I like to get lost in it, become part of the character and feel every emotion that the author is describing in it. If I am crying, laughing or even feeling a little giddy from the romance in it that's when I know I am reading a good book.

I started this as a hobby and now after seeing how many great authors are out trying to tell their stories I decided that I wanted to help promote their books.

I read this quote somewhere while doing research for a story I wanted to write…

Good writers don’t necessarily quote Shakespeare, nor do they use four – and five - syllable words. They don’t try to impress their readers with slick verses that rhyme and flow effortlessly from beginning to end. Good writers, like any good communicator, worry about one thing and one thing only: connecting their audience to the story.”  (author unknown)

I always post my reviews on Amazon, Goodreads and Barnes & Noble. If you would like for me to read your book and review it you can contact me at the above email or via Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads. The icons on the right hand side of the screen will connect you directly to my pages.

Thank you & enjoy.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.
 The man who never reads lives only one.”
George R.R. Martin, A Dance With Dragons

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